
The Bang Bang Club

1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film? Personally I liked so much the stories about these photographers and their role for spread the violence of the Apartheid system in South Africa. This club of photographers through their work shows the brutal repression of the racial government against of the black South Africa population. Real photograph of Greg Marianovich, winner of the Pulitzer in 1991.  And did not like that the film gives the  greatest importance to the life of photographers over the struggle of blak people for their liberation and achieve a democratic system.  2.  How does the film make you think about your future role as journalists and film makers/producers/creators/directors? Well, I think in many things when watching this film, for example, the importance of photography and journalism itself to show social problems in other parts of the world, where people fight for their human rights. In this sense, I would like to work on docume

Cry freedom

1. Who was your favorite character from the film? Why? I like so much the character of Steve Biko, for his work, in specially because he fight for the human rights, like the education, healthy and the social programms in benefit of the community in general. The role of this character is really importante, for the reason that he organize the pepople for a better life and for their material conditions of existence. 2. What was your favorite scene from the film? Why? My favourite scene this film, is the judgment of Steve Biko, because this character talk about the dignity and the civil rights of the black people. This scene is very emotive for his relevance social and political in benefit the abused people and their human rights, and that the national laws establish it.  3. How does the film differ from the other films?  Use the article from The Guardian to help you This film differ from other films, for the reason that Cry freedom tells the influence of Black Panther Party

Goodbye Bafana

1.  In general, what did you like and dislike about the film? The film is quite entertaining as it shows Mandela's life and the history of South Africa during Apartheid from another perspective. 2.  Who was the character you liked the most and the character you liked the least in the film? Why? For me James Gregory is a very good character, because it shows how a person can change their perception, especially on issues as relevant as political ideology. 3.  How do the versions of James Gregory, Nelson Mandela, and Winnie Mandela compare between  Goodbye Bafana and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom? In the first film, Mandela's family is exposed in a closer way. In this film, however, the roles they play are preponderant and a little more distant, since the life of James Gregory and his change of position are prioritized in regarding the system of racial segregation.

Catch a fire

1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film? Is a movie that personally I liked so much because have action scenes how produced adrenaline in the public, as well as tell the history of South Africa and his system extinct of Apartheid. Also put in context the nacional reality of african country with the internacional context of that time.  2. Who was the character you like the most and the character you liked the least in the film? Why? Patrick Chamuso, is a character very charismatic and important, because apart from being the protagonist, his role is relevant for understand the change of mentality among south africans for hate the Apartheid and join to the revolution and the ANC in particular.  Also I liked the character of Sixpence, for the relevance at the time of that inteligence agents south africans, they torture him for that the children says of true and tells the location of Chamuso. In this part of the film the child deeives them, wich helps the protagon

Film Review of Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film? I like so much the importance in the movie of Winnie Mandela, because I see and undesrstand how she works for the more society equalitarian.  2. In your own words, how would you compare the "various Mandelas;" the ones from the article and the one from the film? The article explain the history, politic and economic of South Africa in that historic period. But the film is about of the life and role of Nelson Mandela for change his country and finish with the Apartheid system. 3. What was the role that Winnie Mandela played in the film? Think about the contrast between her and the other ANC members. The friends and importants members of ANC wanted the social peace by the negotiation and conversation with the goverment of the Apartheid. 4. How do you compare the role of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress in the struggle against the apartheid and in the post-apartheid South Afr

My holidays in the South of Chile

In January 2015, I went to the south of Chile with my parents. These vacations were incredible and beautiful, because I knew cities and places, like Valdivia, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt and the Island of Chiloé. The trip was one week, it is a short time, but we went to different places and did many things activities. This vacation was incredible because I ate many delicious things, for example, alfajores. Also, that with my father I drank beer in the town of Niebla. The best thing about this trip was that we got to know the Churches of Chiloé, as well as visiting places in the city of Valdivia, such as the botanical park, the Austral University itself. Another great thing was navigating the river on Street Street. Thus, we saw and learned about the fauna and flora of the Valdivian forest, a natural place very green and full of life. Photo: Valdivia city. I love the city of Valdivia, because this place is very relaxed, peaceful and beautiful, with totally

My challenge with the English

My main challenges with English are to interact with people who have this language as a native language, as well as expand my vocabulary, learn more about the language in terms of its correct grammatical use, as well as knowing new expressions. I would like to put it this way to understand and then use English more naturally. The blogs I have taken to raise issues of personal interest, as well as social interest, but always with a focus on dialogue and debate of ideas. In addition, I have published more personal things, such as aspects as intimate as my place of residence and which animals are part of my family. Outside the University I have tried to continue practicing English in a more interpretative way, so to speak, that is, every time I read a text or listen to a song in English I try to decipher its meaning with the basic notions that I have as well as those I learned in the course. Well, I know it's a great challenge because my memory does not help me much when it