Film Review of Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film?

I like so much the importance in the movie of Winnie Mandela, because I see and undesrstand how she works for the more society equalitarian. 

2. In your own words, how would you compare the "various Mandelas;" the ones from the article and the one from the film?

The article explain the history, politic and economic of South Africa in that historic period. But the film is about of the life and role of Nelson Mandela for change his country and finish with the Apartheid system.

3. What was the role that Winnie Mandela played in the film? Think about the contrast between her and the other ANC members.

The friends and importants members of ANC wanted the social peace by the negotiation and conversation with the goverment of the Apartheid.

4. How do you compare the role of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress in the struggle against the apartheid and in the post-apartheid South Africa to the Concertación and their role in the struggle against Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship and in post-dictatorial Chile?

The role of the ANC in South Africa and the Concertación in Chile is very important for the reason how this political groups negotiated with the differents dictatorships and manage the popular elections for the mosto democratic system.

This groups changed the society with the social and cultural policies but the neoliberal economic system produc the inequality and the poverty in  both countries.


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