
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

The violence in the futbol, a social theme very important for us like citizens

Hi, how are you? I'm fine, well I'm very busy, for many things, since academic works, like any interviews until I'm with my family and friends. This blog is about the violence in the futbol, because the Final of Copa Libertadores de América was postpone  by  violents acts for the fans of Club River Plate against bus of the team  Boca Juniors before the super match, called La Final del Siglo. Photo: The Final of Mundial 2010 and the respect in the futbol. I think how this violence in the sports is produced  by  political and social system, this model of society approve and support the sbyocial violence. I like   sports so much, especially the Futbol, for this reason I recommend most control with the "barras bravas", besides the authorities plan the social and sports politics more equalities and resolve the problem of the access to culturals, educatives and sports activities by guareented the State of Chile. Also, this problem of violence is produc

China, my future travel

Hi everyone. In this blog, I tallk about a future travel to China. Why China? Because I like so much the chinese culture, also I interested their food, political system, the history of this country and other things. Besides, China is a country with differents landscapes, because this asian country is very big geographically. I love so much visit places like Great Wall of China obviously, Soldiers of Terracota, the city of Shangai, Square of Tianamen and others tourists places. Also, I see for Internet and books the importance and natural beauty of the Yellow River, because this river is the most big of China and the sixth in the world. Photo: Shangai As well as, I like learn chinese language, altought is very difficult. Other thing what interests me, is the technology, since China specialized in the technological advance, for example Huaweii works in the intelligence artificial, particularly, with his new cellphone how runs with new operative system focused in

Journalism: my future job

Hi, how are you? I´m fine and in this blog, I talk about journalism, the carrer that I study, and in the future I will be a  jounalist. I will like to work in a office bur also travel to different places of Chile and arround the world. My interests are the culture, history, arts and music, so, I will be a journalist about cultural themes, also, journalism of travels. I like very much the Tv show "Lugares que Hablan" with Francisco Saaverdra, since this programme is educative, because it spreads culture of the chileans, by "Lugares que Hablan" the public can know places, animals and cultures of  various parts of Chile. I would also like to work in countries like Syria or nations in political and social crisis. I will of the hummanitarian aid, and others tasks that help the people affected. In this case, I will to work in the Cruz Roja or other voluntary help organization. Photo: book of "Lugares que Hablan". In addition,in relation to the

My futures studies

Firstly, I love so much the different culture and people, because the history is very imporntat for the society and interesting for me. For my love and interest, I like the Postgraduate about Social Science, Communication and Public Administration. In the future, I would like study in countries of Latinoamerica, for example Brasil or Mexico, because when I was a child went to Rio de Janerio and Buzios with my family, for this reason I know the nice brazilian pepople and the beatiful pnatural pleaces. Well, the Universidad de Sao Paulo is a very imporntat university of Brazil and the world, since this public institution is prestigous and the city of Sao Paulo, is a place how I like know and live there. Photo: Universidad Autónoma de México. Also I will like to study some Postgraduate in Mexico, specially in Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), this university have very good quality of the education. Besides, Mexico is a country with a rich culture, dances, songs, singers