
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2019

The Bang Bang Club

1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film? Personally I liked so much the stories about these photographers and their role for spread the violence of the Apartheid system in South Africa. This club of photographers through their work shows the brutal repression of the racial government against of the black South Africa population. Real photograph of Greg Marianovich, winner of the Pulitzer in 1991.  And did not like that the film gives the  greatest importance to the life of photographers over the struggle of blak people for their liberation and achieve a democratic system.  2.  How does the film make you think about your future role as journalists and film makers/producers/creators/directors? Well, I think in many things when watching this film, for example, the importance of photography and journalism itself to show social problems in other parts of the world, where people fight for their human rights. In this sense, I would like to work on docume